How to Apply to the Fund?
   The Fund recommends that a grant request be submitted on the requesting organization's letterhead and be signed by an official on behalf of the governing board. The Fund does not require or supply application forms. The request should be detailed, complete and include background information about the organization, a full explanation of the project and its costs, and a financial report, current budget and evidence of tax-exempt status of the requesting organization.
   The Fund's Trustees meet three times a year, usually in February or March, June and December at which time requests which have been submitted at least three weeks prior to the meeting will be considered. Progress reports and a final accounting of the use of grant funds will be required of all grant recipients.
   Continuing grants over a period of time are made in special circumstances; however, the Fund reserves the right to accept or reject future contributions based on annual performance reports, which it monitors closely.

Mission Statement:
  Charles Edison Fund (the "Fund") is an endowed philanthropic institution dedicated to the support of worthwhile endeavors generally within the areas of science and technology education, medical research and preserving The Edison legacy. The Fund is an extension of the philanthropy of its Founder, Charles Edison, a man of discerning foresight, rare achievement and background.

Grants and "Seed Money"
   The Fund, in addition to funding its own programs, has given financial support  to other charitable, scientific and educational organizations, institutions and projects in an amount which exceeds $35 Million. The Fund is a seed money organization. It does not just make grants but makes grants happen. It starts projects which would not otherwise "get off the ground." The Fund remained relatively small until its inheritance from the estate of Charles Edison, at which time its record of providing financial assistance to other organizations expanded following his death.

Patterns of Giving
   In more recent years, a pattern of giving has emerged within the Fund. Its contributions tend to be equally divided among medical research projects, science and technology education and preservation of the Edison Legacy. Additionally, but with some important and increasing exceptions, institutions and organizations assisted are based principally in the New York-New Jersey Metropolitan area. This concentration of interest facilitates the efforts of the Trustees to evaluate the work of recipient groups, frequently accomplished by personal visitations.

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